Tax History and the Definition of Income Taxes. The Definition of Income Tax: The income tax is a direct tax which is levied on the net income of private individuals .
Secondly, in their dealings with the State: when there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income; and when there .
Income Tax - Definition of Income Tax on Investopedia - A tax . has left over after all federal, state and withholding taxes have been deducted from taxable income.
What It Is: Income tax refers to annual taxes levied by the federal government and most state governments on individual and business income. By law, businesses and .
Many provisions defining income or granting or removing benefits require significant definition of terms. state income tax definition Further, many state income tax laws do not conform with Federal .
State tax is tax you pay to the state where you reside. This varies from state to state but most states have a state income tax, sales tax and property taxes. The .
Tax levied on income at the state level. State income taxes have their own set of deductions and credits that may be awarded for certain activities, such as .
Income Taxes: Definition . state, of state income tax definition the unitary principle. Other related problems, such as taxation of intercompany dividends, are reviewed. Income Taxes: Definition of .
income tax - definition of income tax - Annual tax levied by the Federal government, most states, and some local governments, on an individual's or corporation's net .
Federal income taxes have been collected since 1913 ![state income tax definition](http://wpcontent.answcdn.com/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/Map_of_USA_highlighting_states_with_no_income_tax_on_wages.svg/400px-Map_of_USA_highlighting_states_with_no_income_tax_on_wages.svg.png)
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