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Project management is complex enough to provide a nice sandbox for experimenting with all kinds of novel ideas. Earned Value Analysis is not very novel any more, but .
noun 1. a general or approximate principle, procedure, or rule based on experience or practice, as opposed to a specific, scientific calculation or estimate. 2. a .
Be a Rules of Thumb Contributor Sign Up Free : Email Address Password Forgot Password? ABOUT THIS SITE / CONTRIBUTE A RULE / THE .
What is the origin of 'rule as a rule of thumb of thumb'? . RULE OF THUMB. Q From Eric J Michelsen in the USA, Frank Conway in Winnipeg, Canada, and several others: I
Try this: Count the number of times a cricket chirps in 15 seconds, and add 37. No, you didn't just calculate your age in cricket years - you measured the temperature .
A general guideline, rather than a strict rule; an approximate
measure or means of reckoning based on experience or common knowledge. The usual rule of .
A rule of thumb is a principle. with broad application that is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable for every situation. It is an easily learned and .
Like many folk etymologies, the commonly understood origin of "rule of thumb"
as a rule of thumb
seems to have some inaccuracy. The Oxford English Dictionary indicates that the phrase .
Library > Miscellaneous > AnswerNotes Rule of thumb refers to shortcuts to solutions to new problems that resemble problems previously solved by .
The "Rule of Thumb for Wife-Beating" Hoax Robert Sheaffer. Feminists often make that claim that the "rule of thumb" used to
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